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  • Phone: 678-691-3981

Stay Connected

Assistance in basic health-related activities promotes the consistent monitoring of the health progress of care recipients.

Daily monitoring of vital signs and maintenance of medical equipment are just two medically-related tasks that have to be performed regularly to ensure the improved health status of clients. When placed in the home health care setting, accomplishing these fall into the hands of qualified nursing and caregiving professionals.

Care professionals at Iron Care Living Solutions LLC acknowledge the importance of consistently providing necessary medically-related services in the homes of clients. Under their supervision, regular health-related tasks are implemented as stated in the care plans.

Some of the medically-related activities we cover are:

  • Vital signs monitoring
  • Checking of medical equipment
  • Scheduling of doctor’s appointments
  • Request for medication refills in pharmacies
  • Companionship to health facilities

Connect with Iron Care Living Solutions LLC

Our ultimate goal is to improve the living conditions of clients by supporting them every step of the way to overcome physical- and health-related challenges. Connect with us so we can help you go over your concerns.

You may also set an appointment so we can meet in person and discuss your care needs.

young woman showing tablet to a senior man